Wednesday, March 30, 2011


So Casey and I have been talking, and I've decided that I want to create a world similar to that of The Road Warrior with a little bit of Firefly, Black Lagoon, and Tank Girl mixed in.  Basically D&D, but with vehicles as the focus.  Currently I'm thinking the party will basically just be mercenaries with vehicles in an Athas like place.  I believe that I will be the driver of an LAV-25.  Casey has decided on a Type 59 main battle tank.  I don't really know about many weapon details, but I do know that fuel will be something that will be used in a manner similar to survival days, or rations.  I'm also thinking that you will be able to hire a crew or have other players on your vehicle to use extra weapons or items, basically playing two characters.

I was already building a world like this actually, but it wasn't vehicle focused.  So they'll just be in the same world.  I think I'm going to start with a town, a nice moderately safe place called Haven.


  1. Fuel can be coal, and pet food can be rations. I really like the two characters idea, could be freakin sweet.

  2. Which is also fueled by coal... NM

  3. Thanks Ian! I was thinking gasoline so that you could blow up gas tanks, but I really like the pet food idea. Wet dog food and ammo is all a man really needs.
